Olympic Champion Skating

Speaker, Trainer, Coach


Experienced so much all these years, experienced cultures,

lost and gained hope

Bob de Jong is a world-renowned speed skating athlete known for his outstanding achievements in long distance skating. He has won numerous world championships and an Olympic gold medal during his illustrious career. With over 22 years of competitive experience and six Olympic appearances, Bob is unquestionably one of the best endurance skaters in the world.


In addition to his achievements on the ice, Bob has also worked as a stadium developer at BAM Stadium, demonstrating his range of skills and experience. Throughout his career, Bob has chosen to follow his own path, training with local students and also with national-teams in Germany and Canada.


After retiring from skating, Bob took up a role as a coach and travelled to South Korea to support his team in the 2018 Winter Olympics. He played a crucial role in helping the team secure seven Olympic medals. Following this success, the Chinese federation approached Bob to accompany their riders at the home-games in Beijing, though he left the position early.


Over the years, Bob has had the opportunity to experience diverse cultures and lifestyles, gaining and losing hope along the way. He has always made bold choices, and actively sought out alternative paths to follow. Outside of skating, he has participated in various outdoor activities such as skating-marathons, natural-ice classics, swimming in Swedish see-ice waters and even jumping off ski-jumping ramps. He has also travelled extensively, hitch-hiking across India, cycling over 5440m altitude in the Himalayas, and dancing with Euvgenia Parakina.


He will take you to this travels in cultuures and experiance during his career in a Presentation.

Currently, Bob coaches a marathon team and resides in Leeuwarden, Netherlands with his family. His wealth of experience, both on and off the ice, is a testament to his passion, determination, and resilience.



Bob de Jong is now sharing his knowledge, experience, and passion for speed skating by organizing clinics for skaters of all levels who want to improve their technique, endurance and overall performance on the ice. Through his personalized advice, Bob helps skaters understand the key elements of long-distance skating and provides techniques and drills that can be used to improve performance.

The clinics are designed to cater to skaters of all ages and levels, from beginners to experienced athletes. They are held in a supportive and enthusiastic environment where participants can learn from a world champion skater and have fun at the same time. Bob's coaching methodology is focused on developing the fundamental principles of speed skating, which include efficient technique, aerobic endurance, mental preparation, and race strategy.


Bob de Jong's clinics provide skaters with the opportunity to be coached by one of the greatest endurance skaters of all time, with personalized guidance and support. Whether you are competing at the highest level, just want to improve your skating skills, Bob's clinics will help you unlock your potential and reach your goals on the ice and off ice.

Join us and learn from a true champion!

Biografie 'BOB Anders'

Bob – Anders tells the life story of Bob Johannes Carolus de Jong (1976), perhaps the best long-distance skater ever. As a specialist in the five and ten kilometers, he was at the top of the world for over twenty years. Bob  became on his 29th Olympic champion.

In 2006 and briefly dreamed that he was God, but was on the street shortly afterwards. Incomprehensible and striking. Bob has an honors list to tell you, but never got the recognition he deserved. Bob is an excellent skater, but he doesn't sell himself well. He is super social, but also likes to dive into his own world. That makes it sometimes difficult for the outside world to fathom. 'Well, Bob is Bob', colleagues and coaches say with a smile. But who is Bob really, what makes him different from the rest?

Journalist Carl Mureau answers these questions in this biography with great pictures. The in Dutch writen book not only guides the reader through all the peaks and troughs of his rich skating career, it also provides a good insight into the person Bob de Jong, the man who said goodbye in the winter of 2015-2016 as a competitive skater.

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